Paragould Advertising & Promotion Commission
301 W Court St Paragould, Arkansas 72450
(870) 239-7510



Founded in 2018, The Paragould Advertising & Promotion Commission is responsible for the allocation of taxes collected from visitors who stay in hotels, motels, or bed and breakfasts within the city limits of Paragould.

The tax is levied at 3% of the total costs of lodging for any given stay. 

The Paragould Advertising & Promotion Commission utilizes this tax money to fund activities, events, and advertisements/promotions that stimulate tourism into the city of Paragould.

Paragould Lodging Paragould Events Paragould APC Application Paragould event gallery

Meeting Dates & Times 

The Commission holds meetings 2nd Thursday of the Second month of the quarter in the Paragould City Council Meeting Room at City Hall at 5:30 p.m.

The  Paragould Advertising & Promotion Commission holds regular meetings to discuss and deliberate on allocation of funds to encourage tourism into the city of Paragould. 

Potential applicants for funding from the A&P Commission, may visit our 'Funded Programs' page. For more information regarding funding is available on our FAQ page. 

If you have further inquiries, or would like to contact  The Paragould Advertising & Promotion Commission please use our simple online contact form to reach out to us.